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It’s been far too long before the first weapon release, and we thought we’d start off by bringing you a shotgun in this latest version. The shotgun works differently from the pistol, in that you aren’t just clicking targets to shoot, you line up a template over as many zombies as possible and fire. Any zombies caught at close range will be scattered to the winds, while zombies further back will be damaged and pushed backwards.
Press 2 to ready the shotgun and aim the template, click to fire. If you decide you no longer want to fire, press 1. Shotgun is limited in ammo, and shells aren’t easy to find, so conserve ammo!
The only person to carry the shotgun for now will be yourself, and your friends provide backup fire using just pistols.
Other changes:
– Pistols are infinite ammo for now. This may change again if/when melee goes in.
– Pistols fire slower and are less accurate
– Zombies are faster
– Infinite zombie spawning from fog of war is out for now. We will revisit this later, but for now it has a few problems.
– Shooting in general should be more reactive. If you click to shoot now, you’ll get instant feedback rather than waiting for the survivor to pull his weapon out and fire. You still can’t fire as fast as you click, though.
– Survivors turn quicker and are more responsive to move.
– Fog of war radius larger
– Zombie/civ stats back in
– Numerous other balances/tweaks. Please tell me what you think of difficulty for “normal” suburban maps.
Hope you like it!
Jay and Saxon